Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Carpal tunnel Quick Fix

Carpal Tunnel Quick Fix DVD

Live with pain or do the Green Technique!

Does carpal tunnel sydrome have you, or someone you love, by the wrists?

If you are skeptical, you must have tried many treatments that didn't work. With this educational and instructional DVD, you will learn the root cause of your debilitating symptoms and do something to fix them-for free and forever.

Educate yourself on the source of carpal tunnel pain.
Learn the seven reaching and stretching exercises and see them demonstrated. Follow along and feel the relief!
Find out how to apply the Green Techinique in your work and home environment.
The Green Technique Carpal Tunnel Quick Fix campaign geared toward eliminating wrist pain in the work place. The only way to reach our goal and make you a believer is to end your wrist pain, and the pain of your fellow 8 million sufferers. One by one, we want to prove to Americans that we can decrease their debilitating pain, increase work place productivity, and give everyone a fast, easy way to enjoy their lives to the fullest.
One major hindrance is the 270,000-plus web sites that claim there is no quick way to eliminate the pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. We want to shout from the rooftops that-finally-there is relief. Please help us spread the word about "The Green Technique Carpal Tunnel Quick Fix", so that we can negate these hundreds of thousands of outdated sites with just one that will bring success.
The Green Technique Carpal Tunnel Quick Fix DVD comprises simple stretching and reaching exercises taught over 45 minute period. Just follow along in the comfort of your own home, office, any where.
I was given this DVD when I got certified as a Massage Therapist. Maybe 5 years after working, I felt pain in my wrists and one elbow. So I remembered the DVD. I pulled it out and during the first session I felt some relief.
Within 2 weeks all the pain was gone. It costs $25, but to me it was worth thousands of dollars more, cause without it I would have had to quit or work with alot of discomfort.
I also have had a lump by my neck for years. I get a weekly massage and my massage therapist says that it is all gone. She said you are still stretching with the DVD? I said yes. She said keep it up.
I am almost half an inch taller since I've been doing this.
The Green Technique Carpal Tunnel Quick Fix DVD comprises simple stretching and reaching exercises taught over a 45-minute period. Just follow along in the comfort of your own home, office, anywhere. The suggested retail price of the DVD is $89.95 (cost-equivalent of one training session.) But to spread the word of our campaign, we're thrilled to share this DVD for only $25.00.
We are involved in a global campaign to rid the world of two things; repetitive stress syndrome and wrist pain, which is often called carpal tunnel syndrome.
Thanks for the tape on back exercises. I have some degeneration between the 5th. & 6th. and &th. vertebrae in the neck. Dr. Ernest Bernhardi has been seeing me. He released me yesterday because the neck seems much improved and I have no more pain. He had given me the home traction kit, but I didn't use it. I only used your exercises. I really apprecite it.
Larrie Kline

Being a candidate for Carpal Tunnel surgery myself I just wanted to share a secret that the Orthopedic surgeons don't want you to know....The Carpal Tunnel Quick Fix helped me to manage and overcome the excruciating pain I was experiencing...and by continuing to use a few of the basic techniques I learned, the pain has not reoccurred.
Michelle Abraham

Order for only $25 plus shipping
Center of Love
10141 County Road 9
Wannaska, MN 56761

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


One of my newest items are the detox patches. Years ago I wanted to sell this item, but the company was too expensive. This company is set up so any one can afford the patches.
Revitalize your system while you sleep!
Apply to your feet overnight in the convenience of your own home and see instant results as you remove them in the morning. They may have changed color to grim grey or black. This is a direct indication they have absorbed toxins.
There are 7 choices to best suit your needs: tourmaline gold, milk thistle, tourmaline red, warming, lavender, grapefruit, or green tea. Packing will contain thier separate ingredients. Made in Japan.
Tourmaline gold is the most popular type patch. Tourmaline generates negative ions.
Lavender relaxes, soothes, and restores and balances the nervous system.
Milk thistle is known for liver health/support.
Warming which has cayenne is known to stimulate circulation.
Green tea is good for the metabolism.
Tourmaline red good for digestion.
Grapefruit is also good for metabolism.
Can use when taking other medication. Don't use if pregnant. Content is not intended to substitue for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health care professional. This information and content have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. You are encouraged to consult your health care provider before beginning any detoxification program.
Non-invasive foot patches with pure, premium quality all-natural ingredients. Detox foot patches are used by sticking it onto the soles of the feet just before bedtime. After 4 hours, results are immediately seen and felt. The patches turn from a dry white pad to a damp, brownish to gray pad on which you can clearly see the pain-causing toxins extracted from your body. Toxins can be pulled out from our nerve endings and blood vessels through the vessel walls. The user will feel energetic and relaxed and pains and aches related to bodily toxins are greatly eased.
Revitalize your body and improve blood circulation. The primary effect of the detox foot patch is detoxification. As toxins are extracted from the body, one experiences improved blood circulation, easing of muscle and joint pains, and a more relaxed and restful sleep. Four hours after applying the patch, the blood circulates to the previously cold foot and the temperature of the foot rises.
Many peole often overlook that a body overloaded with toxins can result in a number of symptoms. These include constipation, stomach bloat, poor digestion, gas, fatigue, weight gain, excessive mucus, poor concentration, headaches, poor skin, poor memory, depression, body odor, and bad breath. Our body does not know how to handle toxins circulating in the bloodstream. It cannot understand how to excrete them, and they may accumulate to harmful quantities or be converted to substances that can interfere with metabolism.
The invention of the Detox Foot Patch detoxifying pad has created much interest and excitement in the Japanese medical industry, receiving high recommendations from medical experts. The pads help the body achieve its optimum state of health by improving blood circulation, increasing metabolism, activating blood cells, providing relief for joint pains, enhancing quality of sleep and expelling bodily fluids.
Many put the patches according to the areas shown by reflexology.
One of my clients felt sinus relief 5 minutes after putting them by her toes according to reflexology.
$5 a pair if boughten separately. $20 for a 10 pack. Plus postange.
Center of Love
101411 County Road 9
Wannaska, MN 56761